
GET /trades

Sample Response

    {...}, // see trade by ID response below
    {...}  // see trade by ID response below

This returns an array of all trades received by NDAXs where the requestor is the Platform, either party associated with the trade, or the account group where the trade was settled.

Optional query parameters include:

  • market_identifier_code filters trades to ones on a specific market (SCXM for Seed Digital Commodities Market for example)

  • omit_market_identifier_code filters out trades from one specific market

  • platform_code filters trades to ones on a specific Platform on which the trade was executed

  • omit_platform_code filters out trades from one specific Platform

  • trade_state filters trades to ones in a specific trade_state

  • settlement_state filters trades to ones in a specific settlement_state

  • party_code filters trades to ones that include a party_code in any of the parties

  • transaction_timestamp filters trades based on a given timestamp in milliseconds 1593798130060 or nanoseconds 1593798130060000000 using the following next params for the following filter types:

    • [gt] greater than a given timestamp, e.g. transaction_timestamp[gt]=1593798130060

    • [gte] greater than or equal to a given timestamp, e.g. transaction_timestamp[gte]=1593798130060

    • [e] equal to a given timestamp, e.g. transaction_timestamp[e]=1593798130060

    • [lt] less than a given timestamp, e.g. transaction_timestamp[lt]=1593798130060

    • [lte] lower than or equal to a given timestamp, e.g. transaction_timestamp[lte]=1593798130060

    • combinations are also possible, e.g. to find a trades between 1593798130555 and 1593798130777 you can use the next combination transaction_timestamp[gt]=1593798130555&transaction_timestamp[lt]=1593798130777

  • page for paginating through the trades

  • client_trade_id filters trades based on the client_trade_id

  • reporting_party filters trades based on the reporting_party

  • settlement_schedule filters trades based on the settlement_schedule

GET /trades/:trade_id

A trade is a request to exchange assets on the NDAX exchange. When a trade is submitted, NDAX assigns it a unique identifier called the 'trade_id'. This identifier is returned in the response from the trade submission endpoints, which are specific routes on the server used to initiate trades. The 'trade_id' can be used to track the progress of the trade and retrieve information about it.

Sample Response

  "message": {
    "trade_id": "9411a2d9-8964-47d0-8971-a52db2f65748",
    "client_trade_id": "fjfd9wekdwoc0sdkcs09w",
    "session_id": "20190801000000",
    "trade_state": "terminated",
    "market_identifier_code": "NDAX",
    "reporting_party": "00NDAX",
    "settlement_schedule": "ABCDEF",
    "symbol": "BTC/e₹",
    "trade_quantity": "4",
    "trade_price": "10000",
    "trade_type": "block",
    "physical_delivery": true,
    "comment": null,
    "last_update": 1565832456717,
    "transaction_timestamp": 1565731066447,
    "settlement_timestamp": 1565731965906,
    "accepted_timestamp": 1565731066768,
    "defaulted_timestamp": null,
    "settled_timestamp": 1565794980952,
    "contract_size": 1,
    "bank_fee": "1.00",
    "underlying": "BTC",
    "quoted_currency": "e₹",
    "trade_reporter": "",
    "platform_code": "DNSE",
    "product_type": "spot",
    "parties_anonymous": false,
    "parties": [
        "participant_code": "WKC2M0",
        "side": "buy",
        "asset": "BTC",
        "amount": "4",
        "liquidity_indicator": null,
        "execution_id": "ex_id1",
        "order_id": "foo",
        "desk_code": null,
        "trading_account_code": null,
        "obligations_outstanding_timestamp": null,
        "current_obligations_met_timestamp": null,
        "settlement_state": "settled",
        "client_order_id": null,
        "settling": true
        "participant_code": "NDAX",
        "side": "sell",
        "asset": "e₹",
        "amount": "40000",
        "liquidity_indicator": null,
        "execution_id": "ex_id2",
        "order_id": "foo",
        "desk_code": null,
        "trading_account_code": null,
        "obligations_outstanding_timestamp": null,
        "current_obligations_met_timestamp": null,
        "settlement_state": "settled",
        "client_order_id": null,
        "settling": true

Last updated